Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another blog?

I've done it. I've created another blog. You're probably asking yourself -- why? And you're probably thinking -- what a nerd! But I have my reasons...
A) My other blog, Over the Hills and Far Away, mainly focuses on my hometown, Pittsburgh, PA. I really love the city and entire Western PA region, so I made my blog all about my favorite place on earth. While I really love blogging about the 'Burgh, I sometimes find myself stuck with a limited list of things to write about. Uh-oh!
B) I wanted a space to write about my other favorite things (besides my favorite city). You know, like my own online journal! So, look for lots of posts about Glee (thus the name of the blog), chocolate, working at a card store, Saturday Night Live, my favorite celebrities and Penn State. I'll also write about my personal favorite blogs and inspirations (such as The Pioneer Woman).
So, there you have it! I hope you enjoy my rants and ramblings, and the little peak into what goes on in my head! Look for the next post soon...